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Adult Faith Formation

The Church’s catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel.

Tuesday Evening & Sunday Morning Adult Study Group

Mission: Provide spiritual growth for men and women through different studies and lectures.

The St. Joseph Parish Tuesday Evening and Sunday Morning Adult Study Group is for all adults at any stage who want to learn about the Catholic faith through studies and lectures. Want to see the upcoming topics and schedule? Click the links below.

Email Contact (Tuesdays)Email Contact (Sundays)Sunday Morning Topics and Schedule

Women's Group

Mission: Provide opportunities for community, connection, and spiritual growth for women.

The St. Joseph Parish Women’s Group is a Spiritual, Social, and Service oriented group. We strive to promote Christian fellowship and intentional community for women of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life.


Men's Group

Mission: Provide opportunities for community, connection, and spiritual growth for men.

The St. Joseph Parish Men’s Group is a Spiritual, Social, and Service oriented group. We strive to promote Christian fellowship and intentional community for men of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life.


55+ Group

Mission: Provide opportunities for community, connection, and spiritual growth for parishioners age 55 and older.

The St. Joseph Parish 55+ Group is a place you can find a community of faith, fellowship & fun. There will be a variety of opportunities to learn, develop new relationships, and serve others. Together, we can continue to thrive and make a meaningful impact in this season of life.


Fort Collins Young Adults Group

We are a coed group of Adults (ages 18-35) with a longing for Christ, community and discipleship. Join us as we dive into faith, Fellowship and Service!

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Come To The Table Group

Mission: Provide opportunities for community and connection through sharing a meal together with a small group of people

The St. Joseph Parish Come To The Table group revolves around the biblical model of breaking bread together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Participants gather once-a-month to share a meal together, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and connection.


Men's Prayer Group

The men's group meets every Wednesday morning. Coffee and visiting starts at 5:30am, followed by discussion on the Sunday Gospel at 6:15am. The men pray the rosary to finish the meeting, and some stay for 7am Mass too! Contact Ray Gillan


Fathers of Saint Joseph

We are a confraternity for fathers who have the task of communicating in a concise and clear, biblical, and theological vision of fatherhood envisioned through the heroic example of St. Joseph. Meetings are held on the First Wednesday of each month - 7:30 – 9:00 PM in the Church. Fathers of all stages and phases invited!

Social Justice Committee

Mission: Mobilize our parish community to action by providing and promoting opportunities to serve those in need, educating the faithful on Catholic Social teaching, and to give witness of our faith through concrete acts of love and service.

The St. Joseph Parish Social Justice Committee is rooted in the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching that guide the universal Church. The group will meet monthly to organize acts of direct service, plan opportunities for education, and communicate service opportunities in the greater Fort Collins community with parishioners at St. Joseph. The group will also work with Fr. Simon to make decision on funding projects within the social justice realm.


BeFrienders Group

Mission: Provide connection for those who are feeling isolated or alone.

The St. Joseph Parish Befriender’s Group seeks to partner those who are feeling isolated/alone with caring parishioners who want to connect with them. The BeFrienders will be a listening ear for those who are feeling isolated/alone. BeFrienders are not trained counselors, so they role is to provide connection and community. The only things you need to be a BeFriender are patience, the ability to carry a conversation, and a desire to connect with people.


40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.


Denver Catholic Biblical School

About Our Biblical School:
The Second Vatican council reminds us that as Catholics, Sacred Scripture is instrumental to our relationship with Jesus Christ. As St. Jerome famously said, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” For 38 years, the Denver Catholic Biblical School has been offering 2,000 years of Catholic Biblical teaching to the laity.

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